Invited Speakers

Rachid Alami

Title: In quest of models for Human-Robot collaborative action
Tetsuya Ogata
Waseda University, Japan

Title: Acquisition of Representations for Linguistic-Behavioral Integration by Deep Learning Models
Mohan Sridharan
University of Birmingham, UK

Title: Combining Commonsense Reasoning and Deep Learning for Transparent Decision Making in Robotics
Michael Yip
UC San Diego, USA

Title: Accelerated Control and Motion Planning by Learning Kernel Maps of Robot Configuration Spaces
Shiqi Zhang
SUNY Binghamton University, USA

Title: Learning, Reasoning, and Planning in Robotics under Uncertainty
Edson Prestes
University, Country

Title: Ontological Standard for Ethically driven R&A Systems
Michael Lutter
Institute for Intelligent Autonomous Systems, TU Darmstadt, Germany

Title: Inductive Biases for Robot Learning
Jong-Hwan Kim
Robot Intelligence Technology Laboratory, KAIST, Korea

Title: Machine Intelligence Learning for Agent-embedded Robots
Yu Tony Zhang
Arizona State University, USA

Title: Human-aware Planning and Learning in Intelligent Robotics
Dongsoo Har
KAIST, Korea

Title: Reinforcement learning technique applied to cooperative multi-agent
Craig Schlenoff

Title: AI Applied to the Performance Evaluation of Robotic Systems